The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet is scheduled for March 27, 2021 this year. The event is normally held the last Saturday in January. This year’s theme is “Success is our Journey, not our Destination”. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Business & Citizen of the year. Deadline for nominations: January 31, 2021. Business of the year…Each year the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce invites nominations for this award, selects a business and presents the honor at the Annual Awards Banquet. The 2020 award will be presented to a business which has exhibited excellence in products and customer service, contributed time, manpower and resources to community improvement projects, and made significant contributions toward a healthy economy through excellence in employee relations and training. Supporting information and/or letters from other individuals are welcome. Citizen of the year…Each year the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce invites nominations for Citizen of the Year, selects a recipient and presents the honor at the Annual Awards Banquet. The 2020 award will be presented to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Bay Area Community by contributing time, energy and resources to make a positive difference. Supporting information and/or letters from other individuals are welcome. For more information, contact the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce at 541-266-0868.