The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Outlook Forum 2020 is Dec. 11, 7:30 a.m., a “Virtual Event.” Deadline to Register, Wednesday, December 09, 2020. Program agenda: 7:30 am, Welcome- Clark Walworth—Coquille Indian Tribe; 7:40 am, Coos County Economic Overview- Guy Tauer, Oregon Employment Department; Local Project Update-Boat Basin Commercial Operations—John Burns, Oregon International Port of Coos Bay; Home Grown Business-Clausen Oysters—Patrick Glennor, Partner; 8:30 am, Local Project Update—Fishing industry Economic Impacts — Nancy Fitzpatrick, Albacore and Salmon Commissions. Home Grown Business—Coos Golf Club—Andre Liloc, owner; Local Project Update-Recreational Fishing and the overall value of Tourism—Janice Langlinais, Coos Bay North Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau; 9:15 am, Introduction- Michele Hampton, Banner Bank; Keynote Address: John Mitchell, former Chief Economist and Western Regional Economist, U.S. Bank; 10:05am, Beef Drawing & Close—Clark Walworth—Coquille Indian Tribe. Ticket Choices: Single Ticket-Chamber Member- attendance for one: $20, Single Ticket-Non Member- attendance for one: $25; Lucky Single – attendance for one, plus one beef drawing ticket – ($40 value): $35; Business Bundle – attendance for all your employees: $100; Beefy Business Bundle- attendance for all your employees, plus five beef drawing tickets ($200 value): $175. Remember that’s Friday December 11, 2020—7:30 am to 10 am. A link to the event will be emailed to you. Contact the BACC at 541 266-0868 or