News release BACC – The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC), after a thorough review of the proposal, has voted to oppose Coos County Measure 6-168 and urges Coos County voters to do the same on this proposal, by voting no. This measure would effectively would end the Coos County North Bay Urban Renewal Agency (CCURA), on the North Spit, by December 31st of this year. The purpose of the Urban Renewal District (URA) is to promote economic development in areas through infrastructure development, to include roadways, utilities and building redevelopment. URA funding is one of the necessary components in our economic toolbox that helps make our area an attractive place for existing businesses to expand and new business to locate here. The amendment, adopted by the County Board of Commissioners, refined the operations of the district by establishing a new sunset date, reduced the maximum bonded indebtedness, eliminated the special levy provision and gave the County the opportunity to evaluate the necessity of continuing the CCURA with any developmental changes inside the URA boundary. The amendment to the current CCURA is an excellent upgrade in operations. It addresses necessary changes while maintaining an important economic development tool for Coos County. We urge you to vote NO on Coos County Measure 6-168. The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, professional business organization made up of the Coos Bay, North Bend, and Charleston communities. The Chamber works for a healthy economic climate of good jobs, more customers and efficient government. The Chamber’s strength lies in the number and diversity of its membership. With over 580 members strong representing every aspect of this area’s economy, we use their vast collective experiences and energy to make a positive difference in our community.

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