Bandon Artist ODFW Annual Stamp Art Contest Winner, Nov. 10

ODFW release – SALEM, Ore. – The winning artwork was selected for the 2024 Waterfowl, Upland Game Bird, and Habitat Conservation stamp art competitions. Waterfowl category (Trumpeter Swan) first place went to Richard Clifton of Milford, Del. Upland Game Bird (Gray Partridge) first place went to Roberta Wise of Bandon, Ore. Habitat Conservation first place went to Buck Spencer of Junction City, Ore., depicting a Short-eared Owl. First place artists each receive a prize award of $2,000. This year’s artwork was judged at Bush Barn Art Center in Salem on Nov. 4 by a panel of independent judges. A total of 10 entries were received depicting Gray Partridge, 23 entries depicting Trumpeter Swan and 24 entries depicting select Oregon Conservation Strategy Species for the habitat conservation contest. Winning artwork will be the face of 2024 collector stamps and other promotional items that benefit Oregon’s wildlife and their habitats. Proceeds from product sales are used for habitat improvement, research, surveys, and conservation projects.