Bay Area Enterprise Zone Committee Community Enhancement Plan Work Group, April 27

The Bay Area Enterprise Zone Committee Community Enhancement Plan Work Group will meet at 1:00 p.m., Monday, April 27, 2015, Coos Bay City Hall, Council Chambers, 500 Central Ave, Coos Bay. Meeting Agenda: 1. Call to Order; 2. Approval of committee meeting minutes of December 8, 2014 (Unapproved minutes are available for review at 3. Discussion on the draft Waterfront Development Partnership IGA; a. Feedback from Port of Coos Bay on the draft WDP IGA; b. Feedback from North Bend on the draft WDP IGA; c. Feedback from County on the draft WDP IGA; 4. Review of the Community Service Fee (CFE) calculation formula; 5. Discussion on the draft Enterprise Zone Agreement with Jordan Cove; 6. Next steps; 7. Public Comments.