Beginning QuickBooks Workshop (New Program!), May 1

Coos Bay Public Library, in collaboration with QuickBooks instructor Karen Dunn, will be offering a BEGINNING QUICKBOOKS WORKSHOP for small business owners and others who need help in better understanding this accounting software. WORKSHOP will be held on Saturday, May 2nd from 9:30am to 11:30am in the library’s Myrtlewood Room. This workshop is intended as an introduction to accounting and business basics. Learn how to use this accounting software to develop both a business and exit plan. How can QuickBooks help in managing loans, salaries, employees, budgets, and the general organization of a small business? Are you stuck? Have QuickBooks questions? Come in for answers or general assistance in getting started with this program. Seating is limited so pre-registration is required. The sign-up sheet is available at the Reference Desk in the Library. Wifi will be available for those who bring their own device. You do not need to bring a device with Quickbooks to attend this program. There is no admission charged. Please call 269-1101 for signup and further information on this program.