On Saturday, January 14th from 10:00-11:00 am meet at the Charleston Visitor Center to explore the shores of Charleston in search of winged wildlife.  South Slough Reserve will provide an interpreter, spotting scopes, binoculars and field guides.  All experience levels welcome.  Space is limited, please call 541.888.5558 ext. 121 to register for Birds on the Estuary.  $1.00 per person. The South Slough Reserve will host an OSU extension service special workshop, “Logs to Lumber to Living” Saturday, January 14 from 2:00-4:00pm.  Before building on your woodlands there are a number of things you need to consider.  This workshop will cover permits, material costs, design features, amenities, accessories, and access/liability.  Additionally, there will be a showing of a start-to-finish cabin project that was recently completed.  Meet at the South Slough Interpretive Center located 4 miles south of Charleston on Seven Devils Road. Cost is $15/household.   To register please go to the OSU extension website http://extension.oregonstate.edu/coos/