BLM Spraying Noxious Weeds at Dean Creek, Aug. 11

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will spray a specific noxious weed at the Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area, east of Reedsport on Highway 38, on Monday and Tuesday August 11 & 12, or as soon as weather permits. Visitors to the elk viewing area should avoid application locations, which will be evident by blue colorant on plants. The BLM will spot apply the herbicide Glyphosate to eradicate purple loosestrife, an Oregon state listed noxious weed. The tall, purple flower adorned plant grows along streams and wetlands, and crowds out other plants that wildlife need for food and shelter. “If it’s not treated, it’s a big, ugly mess, and will clog waterways” said Steve Langenstein, Coos Bay District noxious weed program coordinator. For additional information, please contact the Coos Bay District Office at 541-756-0100.