Blue Ribbon Winners, April 7

Blue Ribbon Winners is the topic of the next Coos County Master Food Preservers workshop set for Saturday, April 25. The class will be held in Myrtle Point at the Coos County Extension Service, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the cost is $10. On the agenda are tips for preparing prize-winning preserved foods. Those who hope to enter items in the county fair, or are just striving to improve their preservation techniques, will appreciate the advice given on how to properly process, prepare and label fair-quality foods. Information will be shared on what judges look for in preserved foods, and rules and regulations for entering foods in the fair’s Culinary Department. Participants will get to watch an actual mock judging session to hear what criteria are considered in judging canned and baked goods. Also on the agenda will be the fundamentals of prize-winning pies, including different techniques and recipes for making pie dough, how to handle the dough, and tips on what makes a pie great. Hopefully each participant will walk away with enough confidence to enter an apple pie in the Coos County Fair Apple Pie Contest, the winner of which receives a new kitchen range. For more information, or to register, call 541-572-5263, ext. 25292. Class size is limited, so call early.