The Alternative Forest Management Plan Board Subcommittee will meet on February 17 to discuss guiding principles for drafting a new forest management plan for northwest Oregon. The Board of Forestry decided to pursue a land allocation – or zoned – approach for managing northwest Oregon state forests in November, working to ensure financial viability for the State Forests Division at ODF, and improved conservation outcomes over time. The Board appointed a subcommittee to facilitate this work. The Alternative Forest Management Plan for Northwest Oregon Subcommittee will meet in Salem on February 17 (see details below). During the meeting, subcommittee members will review principles, definitions and measures related to financial viability, conservation emphasis areas, and production emphasis areas. They will also discuss durability concepts related to potential future zones, and hear next steps. Subject to change, public comment opportunities are available at 11 a.m. >Meeting details; When: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., February 17. Where: Tillamook Room, Building C, ODF Headquarters Office, 2600 State St., Salem. >More information, including a detailed agenda and meeting materials can be found here: