Board of Forestry Virtual Meeting, Aug. 24

SALEM, Ore. — The Oregon Board of Forestry will hold a special meeting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 24. The Department will present the progress on the development of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) definition and rulemaking advisory committee work. The Department will seek approval from the board to hold public hearings for the rule language and WUI definition. The meeting will be held virtually and will be livestreamed on the Oregon Department of Forestry’s YouTube channel. View the agenda for the meeting. Public testimony sign up instructions are outlined on the board meeting website. Written testimony can be submitted before or after the meeting to Accommodations for people with disabilities, and special materials, services, or assistance can be arranged by calling ODF’s Public Affairs Office at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at 503-945-7200 or by email at The Oregon Board of Forestry consists of seven citizens nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. Responsibilities include appointing the State Forester, setting management direction for state-owned forests, adopting rules governing timber harvest and other practices on private forestland, and promoting sustainable management of Oregon’s 30 million-acre forestland base. Read more information about the board.