Boaters Beware of Obstructions on McKenzie, Willamette Rivers, May 29

On May 10, the Lane County Marine Patrol and the Eugene/ Springfield Fire Department attempted to mitigate a very large log jam on the McKenzie River near Riverbend. With the use of three boats and significant chainsaw skills, roughly 1/3rd of the obstruction was removed, creating safe passage for motorized boats.  Officials warn however, that this area remains dangerous for paddlecraft.  Signs have been posted at nearby boat ramps and paddlers are encouraged to put in further downstream and to avoid this area.  Paddlers who elect to run this section of the river are strongly advised to choose the river right channel at Riverbend which has fewer obstructions to navigate. Additionally, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be drawing down three reservoirs for dam repairs this summer.  The Hills Creek Reservoir will be drawn down in June, and Cougar and Blue River reservoirs in mid-July.  This means that area water levels will be higher and will have a stronger flow throughout the summer on the McKenzie and Middle Fork rivers. With the added river volume, expect downed trees and other obstructions.  Boaters are encouraged to visit to learn where there have been reported navigation obstructions.