Breads & Grains will be the topic of the next Master Food Preserver workshop at the OSU Extension Service in Myrtle Point. A variety of healthy, hearty breads will be demonstrated and sampled. Various grains as well as gluten free options will be discussed as well. Naan, a traditional flat bread from India, will be highlighted also.
The quick-to-fix and delicious Five Minute A Day bread will also be demonstrated. This amazing technique produces a chewy, flavorful product, simple enough for even the most intimidated bakers to make. Breads & Grains will be held Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 631 Alder Street in Myrtle Point. Cost is $10. Pre-registration is encouraged, to sign up for the workshop call the Extension Service at 541-572-5263, ext. 25292.