Advocacy training & conversation centered around building resiliency & community through LGBTQIA2S+ advocacy. Join us as we take a deeper look into organizing in rural spaces, building capacity in advocacy, self-care & community response to social justice movements. When: September 15th, 2022; Time: 5:30 -7:30 PM; Where: ZOOM (virtual software) Register by clicking the link: Meet the trainer: Gaby served as the Organizing Director for OSA, which allowed them to take their years of experience in training new organizers, building statewide campaign plans, and supporting grassroots efforts towards legislative policy changes. They are proud to announce that even during the first pandemic long-legislative session, OSA was able to pass every priority bill. This achieved Basic Needs Navigators on all public college campuses, textbook on-time adoption requirements. and much more. Now moving into this role with BRO, Gaby enjoys taking their experience and focusing on LGBTQ2SIA+ specific issues and campaign strategies. Basic Rights Oregon’s mission is to ensure that all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Oregonians experience equality by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.