Bullet Journaling at NBPL, Jan. 4

At 1:00 pm on Monday, January 4, the North Bend Public Library will have a Zoom program on bullet journaling, a method for organizing time, to-do lists, goals, and other scheduling decisions. The original Bullet Journal was created by Ryder Carroll, a digital product designer who believes in using a paper journal for both time management and goal setting. As stated in the title of his book, the Bullet Journal will help you “track the past, order the present, and design the future.” The first five attendees will be given a journal that can be used for bullet journaling, which they may claim at the circulation desk during open public hours or by curbside delivery during regular curbside hours. The link to attend the program is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84429464026, which will also be available via the library website and the library’s Facebook page. For more information about this and other library programs, please contact the North Bend Public Library at 541-756-0400 or see our website at northbendoregon.us/library.