Buoy 10 bonus coho back in effect beginning Friday, Oct. 3

Beginning Friday, Oct. 3 Buoy 10 anglers will be able to add an additional fin-clipped coho to their daily bag limit. “Catch rates for coho at Buoy 10 are still good, and we wanted to extend anglers’ opportunity to keep an additional hatchery coho,” said Chris Kern, ODFW administrator for marine and Columbia River programs. Anglers had been able to keep an additional fin-clipped coho from September 2-30 under a temporary rule, which reverted back to the permanent “two salmon/steelhead per day” rule on October 1. Managers took action today to restore the temporary rule for a bonus fin-clipped coho. Beginning Friday, Oct. 3 through Dec. 31 the daily bag limit from Buoy 10 to Tongue Point/Rocky Point is three adult salmon or steelhead in combination but at least one of those must be an adipose fin-clipped coho. All steelhead and coho must be fin-clipped. Buoy 10 re-opened to the retention of marked and unmarked adult Chinook and jacks on Oct. 1 and this is unchanged by today’s action.