Call for Nominations for Southwestern’s Distinguished Alumni Award, Feb. 13

Since 1992, Southwestern Oregon Community College has recognized alumni that have distinguished themselves by their career, occupation, dedication to educational advancement, or by commitment to community. Nominations for the 2015 award are being accepted until April 1, 2015. To be eligible, nominees must have graduated with a degree or certificate or have completed a minimum of 60 credits from Southwestern Oregon Community College. The selected recipient has the privilege of speaking at the commencement ceremonies on June 12, 2015 and will be recognized at a special dinner in their honor the evening before (June 11). To read more about the Distinguished Alumni nomination process, including who the past recipients have been, visit the College’s alumni webpage at Nomination forms should be submitted by April 1, 2015 to the President’s Office, Southwestern Oregon Community College, 1988 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay, OR 97420. Many Distinguished Alumni fondly recall favorite Southwestern instructors, advisors, or staff who were instrumental in steering the course of their lives towards success. Many found Southwestern to be a valuable resource and a place where they learned to establish lifelong professional and personal goals. While each story is unique, all recognize that their educational experience at Southwestern played a very important role in their achievements earned over the years.