NB Parks & Recretional Advisory Board, Feb. 3The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 3, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. in the council...
Library2Go Workshop in Coos Bay, Feb. 3Coos Bay Public Library will offer a LIBRARY2GO WORKSHOP for downloading free eBooks and audiobooks. This workshop will be held...
Ahh Shucks Volunteers Sought, Feb. 3It is time once again for the Charleston Community Enhancement Annual Fund Raiser: Ahh Shucks! Charleston Oyster Feed, Saturday, April...
MHS Class of 2014 Fundraiser, Jan. 31A fund-raiser for the Marshfield High School Class of 2014 Senior All Night Party will be held prior to the...
Winter Pirate Dance Camp, Jan. 31The Marshfield Upbeats under the direction head coach Debbie Brown hosted the 2014 Winter Pirate Dance Camp Saturday, January 25th...
Best of the Creek Derby, Jan. 31Anglers, here is your chance to shine as both an angler and a cook. The Eighth Annual “Best of the...
16th Annual Celebrity Dinner & Auction Held February 22, Jan. 31The Zonta Club of the Coos Bay Area is hosting the 16th Annual Celebrity Dinner & Auction on Saturday, February...
New Market Research Institute will assist Oregon’s small businesses, Jan. 31Oregon business owners have a new resource to inform their marketing strategies and expand their customer base. The Oregon Small...
The Coastal Celtic Society presents its 12th annual Scottish Burns Night Celebration, Jan. 31The 12TH Anniversary Burns Night Celebration includes entertainment by bagpipers, harpists, guitarists, and dancers. The banquet includes traditional Scottish dishes...
Miss Coos Co. Scholarship Pageant, Jan. 31Announcing the class of 2014. We have 5 teens and 6 miss ladies, competing for scholarships and the chance to...