Symbiosis in Your Community! Jan. 24South Slough volunteers as well as those from other organizations may join us for a volunteer training, “Symbiosis in Your...
NBHS Modern Dance, Jan. 24Modern Dance presents “Waves” this Saturday night, Jan. 25, at the Hales Center for the Performing Arts on the SWOCC...
Cheese-Making Workshop, Jan. 24The Coos County Master Food Preservers will hold their annual cheese workshop on Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m. to 2...
Help will soon be available for preparing and e-filing tax returns, Jan. 24Taxpayers of all ages with low to moderate incomes can have their tax questions answered and their tax returns prepared...
Bay Area Hospital Community Foundation Community Grant Program, Jan. 23Bay Area Hospital Community Foundation would like to remind the nonprofit organizations in our operating region about Bay Area Hospital’s...
27th annual Holiday Lights at Shore Acres State Park 2013, Jan. 22“Volunteers Behind the Magic” Holiday Lights & Lighting Design – David & Shirley Bridgham – Co-Chair since 1987; Thanks also...
Free Movie Showing at North Bend Public Library, Jan. 22Will you be watching the big NBA games for MLK Day? Even if you don’t care about hoops, you’ll want...
Mr. Bulldog, Jan. 22Please join Mr. Bulldog as they team up with Tai’s Dynasty to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network at their...
Egyptian Theatre Restoration Steering Committee, Jan. 22The Egyptian Theatre Restoration Steering Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 – 5:30 p.m., Visitor Information Center Conference...
WBC Forum in North Bend, Jan. 22The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Wednesday Business Connection (WBC) continues in its 2013-2014 season! On the January 22nd, Arin...