Bandon Fire, March 16A 71-year old female died in a house fire on Bates Road outside of Bandon Wednesday afternoon, March 14. The...
Central Coast Burglars Captured, March 16On February 28th, 2018 at approximately 8:15 PM, two males attempted to force entry into Bernie’s Universal Dispensaries in South...
Snowy Plover Season, March 16BLM release – The nesting season for the western snowy plover, a small shorebird that lays its eggs and raises...
Job Vacancies in Southwestern Oregon, 2017, March 16Oregon Employment Dept. release – According to the Oregon Employment Department’s 2017 Job Vacancy Survey, there were about 2,500 job...
Quake off Coos Bay, March 16A 4.0-magnitude earthquake was recorded on the outside fault line of the two that run parallel with the Oregon Coast...
Quake, March 15A 2.9-magnitude earthquake shook the Cape Mendocino area of Northern California Wednesday, March 14. According to the U.S. Geological Survey,...
Seafood Processing General Wastewater Permit Renewal, March 15Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The 900-J general permit regulates wastewater discharges for most seafood processing facilities in Oregon....
Central Coast Structure Fire, March 14At 1800 hours (6PM) on Monday March 12 the Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue District was dispatched to a...
DEQ Fines Brookings, March 14The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has fined Brookings $5,100 for failing to submit a timely renewal application and allowing...
Spring Safety Reminder for Coast, March 14The arrival of spring brings many visitors to the Oregon coast and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) wants...