Coast Guard Rescue, Aug. 7Two commercial fishermen were rescued after their 47-foot fishing vessel caught fire 20-miels west of Cape Blanco Saturday, Aug. 5. ...
Triple Fatal Lincoln Co., Aug. 4On Wednesday, August 02, 2017 at approximately 5:00 PM, OSP responded to a report of a 3 vehicle head on...
Sen. Roblan Op-Ed, Aug. 4Oregon is taking a leadership role in fighting ocean acidification and hypoxia. In a few weeks, thousands of visitors will...
Salmonberry Trail meeting, Aug. 4The Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency will meet at Spirit Mountain Casino on August 4 to discuss issues related to ownership...
U.S. Coast Guard Birthday, Aug. 42017 marks the 227th anniversary of the United States Coast Guard. On Aug. 4, 1790, the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service,...
Eclipse Glasses, Aug. 3Gleneden Beach, August 2, 2017 — Manfred Mann’s Earth Band said it best. “Blinded by the light, revved up like...
Commission meets Aug. 4 in Salem to adopt 2018 sportfishing regulations, Aug. 3The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Friday, Aug. 4 at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE....
Body in Lake, Aug. 2The body of a 32-year old Texas male was recovered Sunday, July 30, two days after he was reported missing...
Military/Local Emergency Training, Aug. 2Lincoln County hosted the U.S. Naval Third Fleet, the Oregon Military Department and the Washington Military Department for a Defense...
Coast Guard rescues boater off Gold Beach, Aug. 2The Coast Guard rescued an injured man aboard a sailboat off the coast of Gold Beach, early Tuesday morning, Aug....