By-the-Sea-Variety, Nov. 18Bandon Playhouse presents “By-the-Sea Variety,” a coastal-themed variety show featuring “The Folly of the Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter.” The show runs...
Hwy. 101 Fatal, Curry Co., Nov. 16On November 14, at approximately 2:43AM, the Oregon State Police responded to a single vehicle roll-over crash on US-101, near...
Largest known manta ray population is thriving off the coast of Ecuador, new research shows, Nov. 15By Michelle Klampe, OSU release – NEWPORT, Ore. – Scientists have identified off the coast of Ecuador a distinct population...
Mussel harvesting reopens coastwide in Oregon, Nov. 15ODA release – NEWPORT, Ore – The Oregon Department of Agriculture and ODFW announce all mussel harvesting is now open...
Hwy. 30 Fatal, Clatsop Co., Nov. 14On November 10, 2022, at approximately 6:36PM, the Oregon State Police responded to a vehicle vs pedestrian crash on US-30,...
Hwy. 26 Fatal, Clatsop Co., Nov. 14On November 10, 2022, at approximately 7:30PM, the Oregon State Police responded to a vehicle vs pedestrian crash on HWY...
Hwy. 101 Fatal, Tillamook Co., Nov. 14On November 9, 2022, at approximately 12:01PM, the Oregon State Police responded to a two vehicle collision on US-101, near...
Quakes, Nov. 14A 3.4-magnitude earthquake shook the southern junction of the two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast Friday,...
Pipe Bombs, Nov. 11A Central Coast male was taken into custody at Florence, Saturday, Nov. 5, following a stand-off with police while holding...
Florence Homicide, Nov. 10A 27-year old male is deceased and a 50-year old male is in custody in Florence on a charge of...