Busy Month for Red Cross, July 5The American Red Cross Cascades Region (Oregon and Southwest Washington) responds to an average of two disasters every day. We...
ODA offers food safety tips for summer meals, July 1Now that summer has arrived, Oregonians are likely to do a lot more outdoor cooking and eating. The potential for...
Coos History Museum 4th of July, July 1The Coos History Museum will be closed on Monday, July 4, but the public is invited to view the City...
CB Fourth of July Fun Day, July 1The City of Coos Bay’s annual Fourth of July celebration kicks-off its 27th year of family activities in Mingus Park...
Charleston Firefighter Breakfast, July 1The Charleston Volunteer Firefighters are hosting an All You Can Eat Pancake Feed Monday, the 4th of July from 7:00AM...
United Way Celebrates Independence – The United Way!, July 1United Way of Southwestern Oregon holds our 4th Annual Summer Celebration Dinner and Fireworks Viewing Party FUN’draiser on Sunday, July...
Fireworks on the 3rd, July 1The Mill Casino/Hotel/RV Park in North Bend will host its annual Fourth of July Fireworks Show Sunday night, July 3rd,...
Tots, Tide pools, Kayaks, Canoes & Wooden Wildfowl at the South Slough, July 1This Saturday, July 2 program will focus on life in the intertidal zone. From 10-11 am toddlers and their families...
Baseball’s First Rules, July 1Documents that the Official Historian of Major League Baseball declared “the Magna Carta of America’s national pastime” will be on...
Email Refresher Course, July 1Coos Bay Public Library will be offering an EMAIL REFRESHER WORKSHOP for novice e-mail users. This workshop will be held...