Computer Help Workshop @ Coos Bay Public Library, June 14Bay Area Seniors Computer Club is offering a “Computer & Tablet Help Workshop” on Tuesday June 14 from 10:00 to...
Coos-Curry Household Hazardous Waste Steering Committee, June 14The Coos-Curry Household Hazardous Waste Steering Committee will meet at the Coos County Board of Commissioners Courtroom room 121 on...
Coos Bay School District, June 14Below is a list of Coos Bay Public Schools Public Meetings currently scheduled for June 2016. All meetings are held...
North Bend Council & URA, June 14NB URA The North Bend Urban Renewal Agency will meet on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 following the council meeting at...
CB Planning Commission, June 14The Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016, 6:00 PM – COOS BAY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 500...
Olympia Oysters more Resilient to Acidification, June 14Native Olympia oysters, which once thrived along the Pacific Northwest coast until over-harvesting and habitat loss all but wiped them...
Razor clamming expanded to Siuslaw River on the Oregon Coast, June 14The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) announce that the reopening of...
Marine Debris before State Land Board, June 14The State Land Board will be asked to approve submission of two agency budget requests to the Department of Administrative...
Rally against Jordan Cove at State Capital, June 14According to a news release from a group calling itself “Stand Up for Oregon: NO LNG, NO Pipeline!” they plan...
Quake off South Coast, June 14A 3.2-magnitude earthquake was recorded Monday, June 13, off the South Oregon Coast. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the...