Dead Whale, May 16A deceased Grey Whale that washed up on a Bandon beach Friday, May 13, was buried in the sand Saturday....
Douglas Co. Sheriff’s Office in Click it or Ticket Campaign, May 16The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as well as other State...
CBPD Safety Belt Enforcement Campaign, May 16Officers from the Coos Bay Police Department will join law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon in a Safety Belt Enforcement Campaign,...
Graffiti Vandal Arrested, May 13News release Lincoln Co. Sheriff’s Office. On May 11, 2016 at approximately 7:23pm, Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to...
Motorcycle Thief Caught, May 13News release Lincoln Co. Sheriff’s Office. On May 9, 2016 at approximately 1:00pm, Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies took a report...
Coos County Master Gardeners Announce the13th Annual Tomato-Rama Plant Sale, May 13Members of the Coos County Master Gardeners Association (CCMGA) will hold their popular plant sale at Pony Village Mall on...
Migratory Bird Day on the Central Coast, May 13On Saturday, May 14, sites throughout Lincoln County will celebrate International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) by offering free entry and...
Spanglish! Language Swap, May 13Coos Bay Public Library will be offering its monthly conversational program: SPANGLISH! LANGUAGE SWAP for Spanish and English speakers. This...
Winged Wildlife and Mixed-Media Art at the South Slough, May 13Join us Saturday, May 14th from 9:00 to 10:30 am in our search for winged wildlife on the shores of...
Introduction to Internet, May 13Coos Bay Public Library will be offering an INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET BROWSER class for novice computer users. The class...