College offers popular American Civil War class, March 7Back by popular demand, Southwestern Oregon Community College is offering its Community Education class on the American Civil War during...
Boys & Girls Club of Southwestern Oregon Celebrates National Boys & Girls Clubs Week, March 7The Boys & Girls Club of Southwestern Oregon is Celebrating National Boys & Girls Clubs Week. The National Celebration Empowers...
NB Worksession, March 7The North Bend City Council will hold a work session on Monday, March 7, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. in the...
Southwestern Music Department Ensembles Perform End of Term Concerts, March 7The Music Department at Southwestern Oregon Community College is pleased to present its end of term concert series March 7...
New 4-H Dog Club in Coos Bay, March 7Calling all youth in grades K-12! If you’re interested in the discipline and training of dogs, consider this. A new...
Library2GO at CBPL, March 7Coos Bay Public Library will be offering its monthly LIBRARY2GO WORKSHOP for downloading free eBooks and audiobooks. The workshop will...
March is Problem Gambling Month, March 7In Oregon and across the nation, the month of March is observed as Problem Gambling Awareness Month to raise awareness...
North End Quake, March 7A magnitude 4.7 earthquake shook the Pacific Ocean seafloor between two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast...
Surfers Rescued on Central Coast, March 7A Coast Guard aircrew aboard an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter from Air Facility Newport rescued three surfers in distress near Devil’s...
CB School Dist. Supt. Search, March 7The Coos Bay School Board will hold a special Board meeting, with an Executive Session, Monday, March 7th, 5:30 p.m.,...