Daylight Savings Time, March 6Spring Ahead Daylight Saving Time starts, 2 a.m., Sunday, Mar 8, 2015. Spring your clocks forward one hour. Check your...
Jam Session – Boiling Water Canning Workshop, March 6The Master Food Preservers of Coos County will hold a Jam Session on Saturday, March 7, from 10 a.m. to...
Oregon State Hospital hosts ribbon-cutting ceremony for new Junction City Campus, March 6What: Ribbon-cutting ceremony at Oregon State Hospital’s newly completed campus in Junction City; When: Saturday, March 7, 10 a.m.; Where:...
Become an ODFW volunteer fishing instructor, March 6The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will host an Angler and Aquatic Education Instructor training on Saturday, March 7...
Seedling Sale in Newport, March 6Lincoln County Chapter Oregon Small Woodlands Association TREE SEEDLIING SALE, Saturday, March 7, 2015, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Newport, 4-H Building...
Committee for Family Forestlands, March 6The Committee for Family Forestlands will receive an update on the legislative session, and hear a presentation on the East...
NBHS Thespians, March 6The North Bend High School Thespians announce the opening of their new play Mama Won’t Fly. The play opens this...
OCCI Chefs and Students to Travel to Ashland for the 11th Annual Oregon Chocolate Festival, March 6Chef Folck, Chef DoVale and four Baking and Pastry students from Oregon Coast Culinary Institute will travel to Ashland for...
CB Volunteer Committee Openings, March 6The City of Coos Bay is seeking volunteers to fill openings on the Library Board. Applications and information are available...
City of North Bend Legal Notice, March 6NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the North Bend City Council on March 10,...