Volunteer Committee Openings in CB, Feb. 18The City of Coos Bay is seeking volunteers to fill openings on the Library Board. Applications and information are available...
WBC Forum, Feb. 18Bay Area Chamber of Commerce WBC luncheon Forum Presents: How our Cities work! Rodger Craddock & Terence O’Connor, City Administrators...
Vaccination Exclusion Date & Clinic, Feb. 18The Coos Co. Health Dept. Mailed out 545 exclusion letters to parents of students attending public schools in the country...
Motorcyclist thrown into River, Feb. 17The investigation into Monday’s crash that left a motorcycle rider over the edge of the Marion Street Bridge and into...
Final Surge of King Tide Project, Feb. 17There is still a chance for anyone with a camera and a curiosity about the coast’s future to participate in...
Board of Forestry Subcommittee, Feb. 17The Alternative Forest Management Plan Board Subcommittee will meet on February 17 to discuss guiding principles for drafting a new...
County Advisory Group for State Forestry, Feb. 17A group of county commissioners representing Oregon counties that, in the past, deeded forestland to the state for management will...
Hatchery research center board to meet via conference call on Feb. 17The Oregon Hatchery Research Center Board will hold a teleconference meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 17 beginning at 11 a.m. The...
Coquille Community Garden, Feb. 17Just a Reminder: Coquille Community Garden beds are available now. Gardeners receive free garden seeds, organic fertilizer and gardening help...
Coos Bay City Council & URA, Feb. 17Coos Bay City Council The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, Council Chambers – 500...