Priceboro Fire, North of Eugene, Aug. 8HARRISBURG, Ore. – Firefighting crews on the 309.5-acre Priceboro Fire reached 55% containment Monday. Suppression efforts are being managed by...
Annual Tribal Veteran Advocate Conference Set for August 8-9 in North Bend, Aug. 8ODVA release – The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Tribal Government...
Lawn Games at Mingus Park, Aug. 8CBPL release – Enjoy lawn games from the Library of Things from the Coos Bay Public Library Tuesday, August 8...
Storm Line Repair in Mingus Park, Aug. 8On Tuesday, August 8, City staff will be repairing the storm system in Mingus Park. Work will start at 8...
CB Planning Commission, Aug. 8The City of Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 – 6:00 PM, Coos Bay Council...
North Bend City Council, Aug. 8The North Bend City Council will hold a regular session meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at 7:00 pm in...
North Bend “Camping Conversation”, Aug. 8City of North Bend release – Each day, the North Bend Police dutifully uphold the city’s camping ordinance, keeping our...
Coos Bay Tides, Aug. 8Tides for the Coos Bay Estuary, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023 – Low tide: 1:41 a.m., 0.48 ft.; High tide: 7:51...
Sunrise/Sunset, Coos Bay, OR, Aug. 8Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023 – Sunrise: 6:13 a.m., & Sunset: 8:31 p.m., offering 14-hours & 18-minutes of daylight....
Free pheasant hunts for youth hunters around the state in September – Register now!, Aug. 7ODFW release – SALEM, Ore.—Youth hunters (age 17 and under) who will have completed hunter education by the time of...