Wine Walk Downtown Coos Bay, Aug. 4Coos Art Museum release – Come join us on August 4th for Wine Walk! Purchase a wine glass at the...
Quakes, Aug. 4A 2.5-magnitude earthquake was recorded on the outer fault line of the two that run parallel with the Oregon Coast...
Coos Bay City Council, Aug. 4The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Friday, August 4, 2023 – 11:30 AM, Council Chambers – 500 Central...
Tides Coos Bay, OR Estuary, Aug. 4Coos Bay, OR tides, Friday, Aug. 4, 2023 – High tide: 3:40 a.m., 7.79 ft.; Low tide: 10:17 a.m., -1.42...
Sunrise/Sunset, Coos Bay, OR, Aug. 4Coos Bay, OR, Friday, Aug. 4, 2023 – Sunrise: 6:09 a.m., and Sunset: 8:35 p.m., offering 14-hours and 26-minutes of...
Search for more Victims after Woman Escape Cinderblock Cell in Klamath Falls, Aug. 3FBI release – OREGON – The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Portland Field Office is asking for the public’s help in...
In states that legalized cannabis, frequent cannabis use became more common in young adults who are not in college, OSU study finds, Aug. 3By Molly Rosbach, OSU release – CORVALLIS, Ore. — An Oregon State University study found that in states where recreational...
Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Program Accepting Applications, Aug. 3OPRD release – SALEM, Ore—The Land and Water Conservation Fund grant program (LWCF) will accept applications for the 2023 grant...
¡SPANGLISH!: Spanish Conversational Program Coos Bay Public Library, Aug. 3Spanish Conversational Program via Zoom (virtual meeting software) and in-person. We meet twice a month: every first Thursday on Zoom...
Coos Co. Planning Commission, Aug. 3The Coos Co. Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, 7 p.m., Aug. 8, 2023, Owen’s Building, 201 Adams St., Coquille....