Coos Co. Airport District BOC, July 27This is to notify you that the Board of Commissioners of the Coos County Airport District will hold its Regular...
Quake, July 27A 3.9-magnitude earthquake was recorded on the outer fault line of the two that run parallel with the Oregon Coast...
Bedrock Fire, SE of Eugene, July 27Lane Co. Sheriff’s Office release – The Lane County Sheriff’s Office would like to advise the public that firefighting aircraft...
Sam’s Ck. Fire, Toledo, July 27OR Dept. of Forestry release – Toledo, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) West Oregon District is responding...
Unemployment Rates South Coast, July 27Oregon Employment Dept. report for Coos Co. – Civilian Labor Force – June 2023: 25,968; May 2023: 25,778; June 2022:...
Employment on the South Coast: June 2023, July 27Oregon Employment report – South Coast Payroll Employment Up by 570 Jobs over the Year – Coos County total payroll...
Continued Good News for Downtown North Bend, July 27More from the City Administrator’s report – Urban Renewal Agency – BIG NEWS! The future of North Bend just got...
North Bend Main St. Program report, July 27Excerpt from North Bend City Administrator David Milliron’s report to the City Council, July 25, 2023. Under Community Development, Stephanie...
Coos Bay North Bend Water Board release, July 27The Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board experienced a major water main break on Newmark Avenue at the intersection of Edgewood...
Waterline Break on Newmark St., North Bend, July 27City of North Bend release – A water line broke and caused pavement damage Wednesday morning (July 26th) at the...