Tides Coos Bay Estuary, June 15Tides for the Coos Bay Estuary, Thursday, June 15, 2023 – Low tide: 6:37 a.m., -0.73 ft.; High tide: 1:11...
Sunrise/Sunset, Coos Bay, OR, June 15Coos Bay, OR, Thursday, June 15, 2023 – Sunrise: 5:35 a.m. and Sunset: 8:59 p.m., offering 15-hours and 24-minutes of...
Hwy. 22 Fatal, Marion Co., June 14On Sunday, June 11, 2023, at approximately 3:51 P.M., the Oregon State Police responded to a multi-vehicle crash on Hwy...
Quake, June 14A 3.0-magnitude earthquake shook the southern junction of the two fault lines that run parallel with the Oregon Coast Tuesday,...
Umatilla Co. Wildfires, June 14Wildfire, Umatilla Co. Oregon State Fire Marshal release – SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon State Fire Marshal has mobilized a...
Sudden Oak Death found in New Location, June 14OPRD release – CURRY COUNTY, Ore. – An Oregon Dept. of Forestry stewardship forester has found sudden oak death (SOD)...
Forestry Steep Slopes Certification Training, June 14ODF release – SALEM, Ore.—Forest Practices Act (FPA) rule changes aim to provide regulatory certainty and to protect fish and...
CBPL Seeks Teen Youth Corps, June 14CBPL release – Teens ages 12-18 are invited to spend part of their summer at the Coos Bay Public Library...
Sharpie Sneakers Teen Program at NBPL, June 14The North Bend Public Library is hosting a Teen Event on Wednesday, June 14 at 4:00 PM. Teens can customize...
Painting Workshop at NBPL, June 14Artist Janne LaValle will lead “Find (And Paint) Your Voice: Painting Workshop” Wednesday, June 14, at NBPL as part of...