Elliott State Forest on Agenda, July 23The Oregon Board of Forestry is scheduled to provide direction on rules designed to keep stream temperatures cool, receive an...
Motorcycle Fatality in Lane Co., July 22On July 21, 2015 at about 12:30PM, OSP Troopers and emergency personnel responded to the report of a motorcycle versus...
Beware of Phone Scam Targeting Utility Customers, July 22Pacific Power is warning its customers and the public of a phone scam targeting utility customers in the Northwest where...
Nurse of the Year Awards, Call for Nominees, July 21Nominations for the Fifth Annual Nurse of the Year Awards are now open. This year, March of Dimes will honor...
Oregon Coast Education Program summer Field Workshop for Teachers, July 21Registration deadline is July 24. Come to the coast this summer to learn about how the Oregon Coast Education Program...
Corvallis-to-the-Sea Trail, July 21Highway 101 is the north-south coastal route that best captures the beauty of the Oregon Coast for travelers in vehicles....
ODFW takes action to help native fish, July 20The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has curtailed fishing hours on most of Oregon’s rivers to avoid additional stress...
Oregon Public Safety Academy Graduation, July 17The Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) is pleased to announce the graduation of its 349th Basic...
ODFW discovers Chinook salmon die-off on John Day River, July 16An estimated 109 wild spring Chinook salmon in the upper section of the Middle Fork John Day River died last...
Southern Oregon Fatal, July 16On July 14, 2015, at around 11:15PM, OSP Troopers and emergency personnel responded to HWY 46 (Caves Highway) near milepost...