Cornucopia Jailhouse Listed, Dec. 16The c.1885 Cornucopia Jailhouse was originally built at the former Allentown site, upslope from Pine Valley, to meet the community’s...
Lidar Explored Calendar shows off Oregon Geology, Dec. 16See Oregon in a new light with incredible images created using lidar technology. The Lidar Explored 2015 Calendar features twelve...
Learn to ice fish at January workshop, Dec. 15The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will show anglers how to make the best of snowy, icy conditions at...
Inmate Death, Dec. 15A Snake River Correctional Institution (SRCI) inmate died unexpectedly Thursday evening. As with all unanticipated deaths of state prison inmates,...
Workshare Grant, Dec. 15The Oregon Employment Department has received a grant for almost $1.2 million from the U.S. Department of Labor. The grant...
ODFW report, Dec. 122015 hunting and fishing licenses now available – Buy them at an ODFW office, a license sales agent or on-line....
OSHA Training Grants Awarded, Dec. 12The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (Oregon OSHA) is awarding three grants totaling more than $115,000 to help develop...
Invasive noxious weeds impact Oregon economy, Dec. 12A newly released economic impact study shows that 25 of Oregon’s most significant invasive noxious weeds cause an estimated annual...
Stolen Car Pursuit, Dec. 11On December 9, 201 4, at about11:53 AM, Oregon State Police (OSP) Troopers from the Springfield Area Command located a...
Bikeway User Survey Ends in Two-Weeks, Dec. 11Travel Oregon and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department are embarking on an economic impact and user study of bicycle...