North Bend

How to Prepare your Plumbing for Spring

The days are growing longer and it’s time to start prepping for spring. For homeowners, preparation should start with the plumbing system. Inspect the pipes Check the water pipes throughout your home, inc...

New Classes at Bay Area Athletic Club

BAAC is excited to offer a new dance class called "Dance it Off" which starts Tuesday Jan 15th and features all hip hop and pop today and yesterday hits. New HIIT strong class designed by Zumba has started a...

5 Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

Spring is one of the most important times to perform maintenance to your lawn. By following these 5 steps you can help prevent your beautiful lawn from being overtaken with weeds or becoming stressed by drought...

Is Life Insurance Tax Deductible?

Is life insurance tax deductible? If you hopped on the internet for a quick answer to this question, we’ll save you some time: No, it isn't, but there is one exception (more on that in a moment). Life insura...

10 Preventative Winter Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Winter is great! There’s snuggling, warm beverages, indoor game nights, and all manner of other pleasant, cozy things. Winter is also dangerous! It makes roads slippery, and everything takes more effort to get ...

How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

In mid-to-late fall, gardeners in colder climates start thinking about winter; not necessarily because they’re looking forward to it, but because they know that without proper precautions, cold temperatures, dr...

How to Job Search During the Holidays

The job boards may be looking a bit bleak right now, but even if your dream gig isn’t jumping out at you, there’s a strong chance that some of the available positions you’re coming across are a close match to w...