The Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on TUESDAY, April 10, 2018, 6:00 PM – COOS BAY FIRE DEPARTMENT, 450 ELROD AVENUE, COOS BAY.  Agenda:  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Approval of the minutes of February 13, 2018 and March 13, 2018. 2. CCI/PUBLIC COMMENTS: 3. PUBLIC HEARING – ITEM A: SITE PLAN REVIEW #187-ZON17-097 (Continued): The applicant is proposing to convert a 4,726-square foot warehouse building in the Industrial-Commercial (I-C) district into a sit-down and take-out pizza restaurant. A Site Plan Review is required for the change of use along with a Variance to reduce the site landscaping from the required 15% to approximately 13%. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE: ITEM B:  Discussion of the Tsunami Resilience Project by Meg Reed, Coastal Shores Specialist Oregon Coastal Management Program, Department of Land Conservation and Development. ITEM C:  Draft Proposed Ordinance Amendments. 5. COMMISSION COMMENTS: 6. STAFF COMMENTS: 7. ADJOURNMENT: