The Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2018, 6:00 PM – COOS BAY CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 500 CENTRAL AVENUE, COOS BAY. Agenda: 1. CCI/PUBLIC COMMENTS: 2. PUBLIC HEARING; ITEM A: Site Plan Review Application & Variance #187-18-146 – 303 D Street and 260 2nd Avenue. The applicant (Coos Bay School District) is requesting approval for the construction of a new “Eastside” elementary school and renovations and a classroom addition to the existing “Millicoma” school; and, A Variance to the 35-foot height restriction as outlined in the Urban Public zoning district. ITEM B: Planned Unit Development with dedication of right of way, Replat, Site Plan Review, Architectural Design Review #187-18-136 – 1360 North Bayshore Drive. The applicant is proposing to establish the Coos Bay Village project; a multiple building retail, restaurant and office development of approximately 72,737 square feet, with a pedestrian plaza. The project includes the re-plating a portion of two existing subdivisions to create 12 new lots and the dedication of a public right-of-way, development of a boardwalk along the waterfront, off-street parking, landscaping, installation of a lighted intersection at Hemlock Avenue, and related infrastructure. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE: 4. COMMISSION COMMENTS: 5. STAFF COMMENTS: 6. ADJOURNMENT: