CB Planning Commission, March 10

Coos Bay Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2020 – 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 500 Central Ave., Coos Bay, Oregon. AGENDA: 1. 6:00 PM – Call to Order; 2. Adoption of Minutes: January 14, 2020 and February 11, 2020; 3. Public Comments for matters not on the Agenda. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: To speak with the Commission, please fill out a sign-in slip provided at the speaker’s podium. Before speaking state your name and complete address for the public record. 4A: Site Plan Review #187-20-000010-PLNG – 242 Norman Avenue – Two-story addition as a support structure to an existing ambulance service operation. The proposed addition will provide 9,400 square feet for office, light Storage, and indoor parking garage uses. 4B : Amendements to the Development Code #187-20-000008 – Proposed amendments to multiple charters of the CBMC Title 17. 5. Commissioner Comments; 6. Staff comments; 7. Adjournment.