CB URA Meeting, March 3

The City of Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency (URA) will meet on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. The meeting will be held immediately following the City Council meeting which begins at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon. All citizens addressing the Urban Renewal Agency under regular agenda items or public comments are required by URA Rule 2.9.4 to sign-in on the forms provided on the agenda table. If you require a listening enhancement device, please contact the City Recorder. Please silence electronic devices – Thank you. Agenda: 1. Public Comments; 2. Consent Calendar; a. Approval of minutes of February 18, 2020; 3. Acceptance of Proposed Facade Improvement Grant Request for 295 N 4th Street; 4. Acceptance of Proposed Facade Improvement Grant Request for 505 S Broadway; 5. Acceptance of Proposed Facade Improvement Grant Request for 549 S Broadway; 6. Adjourn.