CBDA Hosts “Celebrate Downtown 2015”, Jan. 15

Thursday, January 15th, Black Market Gourmet, 5-7pm – The Coos Bay Downtown Association (CBDA) is hosting its annual “Celebrate Downtown” event on Thursday, January 15th from 5-7pm at Black Market Gourmet in Coos Bay. The program will include hors d’oeuvres, a no-host bar, and a home décor business fair, featuring many of the new interior decorating stores that have opened in downtown Coos Bay this year. “Celebrate Downtown 2015” is open to the public, and those attending will have an opportunity to join or renew their membership in the CBDA. CBDA President Doug Woolsey will present the association’s accomplishments, and invite members to vote on candidates for the board of directors. “This annual event is a great way for the CBDA to let local businesses know what we do to bring foot traffic to our downtown core, and what services we offer to help businesses grow.” explains Deb Lal, CBDA board member and event coordinator. The Coos Bay Downtown Association (CBDA) is part of the national Main Street Program, which leverages community assets to generate investment, create jobs, and foster the rehabilitation of downtown areas and Main Streets. CBDA works closely with its members, downtown businesses, and local organizations to strengthen existing business, to expand opportunities for new businesses, and to plan events and activities that improve the quality of life in downtown Coos Bay. For more information, contact Deb Lal at lalfam@charter.net or 541-267-3948.