CBPD logs, Jan. 18

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Jan. 16, 7:32 p.m., 6th & Olive Barber, “warrant service” on 26-year old Christopher C. Phillips “cited in lieu of custody on two Coos Bay PD warrants charging,” FTA on DUII, 2-counts Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Reckless Driving, Criminal Driving While Suspended or Revoked, Resisting Arrest and an additional charge of Criminal Driving While Suspended or Revoked.

Gas Tank
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Jan. 16, 8:29 a.m., 400 block No. Wall St., “stolen gas tank, report taken.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Jan. 16, 12:02 p.m., “OSP served CBPD valid warrant” on 25-year old Lila L. McCovey charging FTA on Possession of Meth, “CCJ approved cite in lieu of custody.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Jan. 17, 12:50 a.m., 2nd Ave. & D St., “warrant service by CBPD on CCSO warrant as a result of traffic stop,” 47-year old Joseph Fuller charged with Contempt of Court Fail to Pay Child Support, additional charge of DWS Misdemeanor, “Fuller cited in lieu of custody.”