The Coos Bay Police Department has in its physical possession the unclaimed personal property described below that was collected between May 2018 and August 2019.  If you believe you have any ownership interest in any of that unclaimed property or cash, you must file a claim with the Coos Bay Police Department within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, or you will lose your interest in that property. (10) Wallet/Purse; (16) Cellular Phones; (6)   Bicycles (Kids, MTB, BMX); (5)   Credit/Debit cards; (4)   Identifications; (14) Sets of Keys; (4)   Knives; (4)   Social Security cards; (3)   Garage door openers; (1)   Pellet gun; (1)   Binoculars; (2)   Measuring tape; (1)   Propane tank; (3)   Glasses; (3)   Power tools; (1)   Handheld scanner; (2)   Hand tools; (2)   Batteries; Misc cash; Misc clothing; Miscellaneous Jewelry; Jewelry:  Generally described as 1 gold ring.  Please provide a detailed description of each item when completing your claim and any proof of ownership you may have.

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