CBPL & NBPL Public Programs, Dec. 24

Bat Houses Through CBPL
CBPL release – Help create valuable bat habitat and learn more about local bats at a hands-on bat box building program at the Coos Bay Public Library, Saturday, January 29 at 10:00am. South Slough Reserve Education Staff will lead the one-of-a-kind program designed for young people and families. Supplies provided, one bat box per family or group. Limited space available; pre-registration required at https://www.coosbaylibrary.org/build-bat-box-south-slough-reserve. Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Masks required per state-wide COVID guidelines. According to the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, 15 species of bats live in Oregon, In addition to being pollinators, bats help keep insect populations at bay. Increasingly across the US bats are a “species of concern” as populations dwindle due in part to habitat loss. Bat boxes can help provide needed habitat. Located five miles south of Charleston at the south end of the Coos Bay Estuary, the South Slough National Estuarine Reserve is one of 29 areas in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. This reserve is managed by the Oregon Department of State Lands and is protected for long-term research, water-quality monitoring, education, and coastal stewardship. The NOAA Office for Coastal Management provides funding, national guidance, and technical assistance. Education Staff at the Reserve offer naturalist led outdoor education both at the South Slough and throughout the community. For more information about the bat box program contact Jennifer at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org or via phone at (541) 269-1101 x 236. For additional information regarding current services being offered by the Coos Bay Public Library please contact the library by calling (541) 269-1101 or by visiting us online at http://coosbaylibrary.org.

Health by Chocolate
CBPL release – Coos Bay Public Library will co-host Health by Chocolate by Natural Grocers’ Nutritional Health Coach, Cheryl O’Dell, MSN. Event will be held Thursday, January 27 from 12:00pm-1:00pm online via Zoom (virtual meeting software). Did you know that chocolate can actually be good for us? Learn how to use quality chocolate to enhance your food…and your health. Nutritional Health Coach, Cheryl, will share with you some of the health benefits of chocolate or “food of the gods.” Attend and receive $5 off from Natural Grocers! Indulge and Be Well! This class is FREE and open to everyone. Please register by going to https://bit.ly/3E1eoiE

Tiny Art Program at NBPL
Registration is now open for the North Bend Public Library Tiny Art program. The program consists of a kit for creating tiny art distributed in January, and a public showing and competition in February. All ages are welcome to participate, and available craft kits vary by age. Children ages 4 to 9 can request a clay kit, and those 10 and up can request a kit with a tiny canvas and easel, a paintbrush, and tempura paints. Supplies are limited for both clay kits and paint kits. Artists are also welcome to use other materials besides the paints to create their masterpieces. Artworks made with Legos will be accepted in any age group, but must be tiny, with dimensions of 3-inch by 3-inch by 3-inch or less. There is no theme to the art show, so artists are encouraged to follow their vision. The deadline for returning art for the competition is Thursday, January 27, and the art will be on display starting Tuesday, February 1. To register, please go to https://tinyurl.com/2p8faey9. The link will also be on the library website and Facebook page.

Children’s Storytime
CBPL release – The Coos Bay Public Library will offer storytimes in the children’s section of the library Wednesdays this winter at 10:00am. The series will begin January 5 and continue through March 30. Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, parents and caregivers can enjoy rhymes, songs, movement and stories at the all-ages interactive storytime. The program is part of the Coos Bay Library’s efforts to support early literacy. Limited space is available at the storytimes to accommodate social distancing. Masks are required for anyone over the age of 5 and social distancing is required consistent with current statewide COVID guidelines. The Coos Bay Public Library is located at 525 Anderson in Coos Bay. For more information, contact Jennifer Knight at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org. For additional information regarding current services being offered by the Coos Bay Public Library please contact the library by calling (541) 269-1101 or by visiting us online at http://coosbaylibrary.org.

Teen Writers
CBPL release – Teen writers ages 12-18 are invited to a group for young writers at the Coos Bay Public Library Thursdays this winter beginning January 6 from 4:00pm-5:00pm. Each week will include a writing prompt or game, time to write independently, and an opportunity to share work with the group. The group will continue to meet until March 31. No experience necessary. The group will meet simultaneously both in-person at the Coos Bay Library and online. Writers wishing to join online should contact jknight@coosbaylibrary.org prior to the meeting to get a code to join us virtually. For more information on the Young Writers group contact Jennifer at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org or via phone at (541) 269-1101 x 236. For additional information regarding current services being offered by the Coos Bay Public Library please contact the library by calling (541) 269-1101 or by visiting us online at http://coosbaylibrary.org.