CCSO Presence at the Fair, July 27

News release CCSO.  The Coos County Fair is coming and the Coos County Sheriff’s Office would like it to be a safe one for you and your family. Beginning on July 27 and continuing through July 30, deputy sheriffs will be patrolling the roadways surrounding the County Fairgrounds in search of those who violate the law regarding seat belt usage and operating a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants. Focused patrols for seatbelt violations will commence on the 27th and will have deputy sheriffs working four to six hour patrols randomly for the next few days. In addition, special DUII patrols will be out to enforce traffic laws and drunk, buzzed or intoxicated by prescriptions or controlled substance driving. Each year across the nation and in our part of the state we see tragedies occur when people operate their motor vehicles while impaired. Let’s keep our roadways safe this summer. If you see something, say something! The Coos County Sheriff’s Office dispatch center phone number 24 hours per day is 541-396-7830.