Recovered Stolen Property
CCSO release – Date / Time: September 10th, 2023, around 8:20 am; Case Number(s): 202300027288; Classification: Recovered Stolen Property; Location: Myrtle Wood Factory, Hauser Area of North Bend. Suspect(s): Matthew Wagner (31) and Gage Campbell (26). Two Coos County Men Caught Stealing Thanks to Social Media. On Sunday, September 10th, 2023, around 8:20 am, Coos County Dispatch received a report of a generator being stolen from campers staying at the Myrtle Wood Factory in the Hauser Area of North Bend and that the generator was now listed for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Deputy M.R. Smith arrived and began his investigation. The victim had contacted the Facebook account selling the item and pretended to be a buyer. The victim and the suspect set a meeting time and place and what vehicle to look for. The victim told Deputy Smith that the suspect would be at the Coos County Park in Lakeside and described the suspect’s vehicle and the name associated with the Facebook account. Deputy Smith arrived at the park and located the described vehicle. Deputy Smith contacted 2 occupants of the vehicle, identified as Matthew Wagner (31) and Gage Campbell (26). Matthew Wagner was the name associated with the Facebook account selling the stolen item. When he made contact, Deputy Smith immediately noticed the stolen generator in the back seat of the vehicle as well as several Milwaukee tools with a specific engraving on them and a set of bolt cutters. At the conclusion of his investigation, Deputy Smith arrested both Mr. Wagner and Mr. Campbell for Theft in the 2nd degree (Greater than $100 value, but less than $1,000) and Criminal Conspiracy to Commit a Crime. With assistance from a helpful citizen in the area, the engraving was identified as a local Contractor and the tools likely belonged to them. Mr. Campbell was released at the location with Criminal Citations requiring his appearance in court. Mr. Wagner was transported to the Coos County Jail where he was booked and released in accordance with Senate Bill 48. After leaving the Jail, Deputy Smith contacted the suspected owner of the tools and met them at the Contractor’s Business location. Deputy Smith learned that several work vehicles had their windows broken out and the tools in question were confirmed to belong to this business. The multiple charges arising from this incident will be referred to the Coos County District Attorney for prosecution.