CCSO reports, May 8

Narcotics Seizure, Hauser
CCSO release – Date / Time: May 4th, 2023; Case Number(s): N/a; Classification: Warrant Service / Narcotics Seizure; Location: Hauser, Oregon; Suspect(s): (Intentionally withheld). Members of S.C.I.N.T. seized a dealer amount of heroin from a residence in Hauser. On May 4th, 2023, representatives from the South Coast Interagency Narcotics Team (S.C.I.N.T), along with the assistance of the Coos County Emergency Response Team (ERT), served a search warrant in the Hauser area as a result of an ongoing narcotics investigation. The exact details, including names of those involved, are being intentionally withheld as the investigation continues. During the search warrant, a criminal/dealer quantity of heroin was located, seized, and removed from circulation. S.C.I.N.T continues actively pursuing illegal narcotics and narcotic dealers in our area and surrounding jurisdictions. If you have any information about illegal narcotics or narcotic dealers in our area, please contact Sgt. A. Whittenburg at or Det. B. Davis at

CCSO Members attend Marine Academy
CCSO release – Members of the Coos County Sheriff’s Office attend Oregon State Marine Academy. Recently several members from the Coos County Sheriff’s Office attended the Oregon State Marine Academy in Southern Oregon. The academy consisted of two days of classroom learning Oregon Revised Statures and boating laws. A swim test and water training (without a vessel). Six days of water training in a boat which included emergency drills, close-quarter maneuvers, docking, loading, and unloading procedures. At the completion of the training, we are happy to announce that all of our deputies in attendance received their Marine Academy Certification. They are: Sgt. M. Smith (Marine Sgt), and Deputies B. Kent (Marine Deputy), J. Gray (Timber Deputy), R. Baker (Patrol Deputy), and M.R. Smith (Dunes Deputy). We are excited that these Deputies now have the skills to protect our local waterways.

CCSO Posse Annual Scholarship Ride
CCSO release – Date / Time: May 13th at 10:00 a.m.; Event: 2023 Coos County Mounted Sheriff’s Posse “Scholarship Ride.”; Location: Riley Arena (Wildwood Road, Hauser); Coos County Mounted Sheriff’s Posse to hold annual “Scholarship Ride” and “Raffle” May 13th . The Coos County Mounted Sheriff’s Posse is putting on its annual Scholarship Ride on May 13th, 2023. The event’s horse “Ride” portion begins at 10:00 a.m. at the BLM Boat Ramp off Transpacific Hwy and should last about two hours. The event’s fundraiser and “Raffle” portion takes place at the Riley Arena on Wildwood Road in Hauser beginning around 12:30 p.m. (You do not need to own a horse or even be a horsey person to come to this event). This annual event by the Coos County Mounted Sheriff’s Posse provides scholarship funds to young men and women graduating in the Coos County Area. If you want to know more about the “Scholarship Ride,” please get in touch with the Coos County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse at or Sgt. Clayburn at