CCSO Reports, Water Rescue & Meth Bust, March 30

Water Rescue, South County
CCSO release – Date / Time: March 29, 2023, at 3:30 p.m.; Case Number(s): S23-06929; Classification: Water Rescue; Location: South Fork Coquille River / Powers Hwy; Sheriff’s Deputies and Myrtle Point Fire rescue young woman from river. On March 29, 2023, at 3:30 p.m., the Coos County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center received a 911 call from a young woman advising that her sister had been swept downstream in fast water on the South Fork of the Coquille River. The caller said she and her sister had been recreating at Albert Powers Park off of Powers Hwy. The caller told dispatch that her sister did not swim well, was wearing a life jacket, and was in a small blue and black raft. Dispatch immediately dispatched the call to on-duty Sheriff’s Deputies and Myrtle Point Fire. After receiving the distress call, everyone, including the Sheriff and Patrol Commander, dropped what they were doing to respond and assist in any way possible. Numerous Sheriff’s Deputies and Myrtle Point Fire Personnel went down to the river’s edge from milepost ten to eight, looking for any sign of the young woman. Sheriff Fabrizio and Capt. Sanborn visually spotted the woman clinging to a tree limb in swift water about 300 yards upriver from their location. Sgt. Slater moved up to that location and ran through a field and some blackberry bushes to get within voice contact with the young woman. The woman was terrified; her small raft was rapidly losing air and taking on water. Sgt. Slater entered the fast-moving water and could get within the distance to throw a rope to the woman. The woman was able to tie the rope to her boat. Sgt. Slater, Deputy Francis, and Chief Burris from Myrtle Point Fire pulled the woman to shore. As the woman was removed from her small raft by Chief Burris, the last of the air leaked out of the boat. The woman was escorted up to safety by Sheriff Fabrizio and checked out by Myrtle Point Fire. Although cold and shaken up, the young woman was otherwise fine and left the scene with her mother. The Sheriff’s Office would like to send a HUGE thank you to our Dispatch Center for doing an excellent job and always getting us the info we need while going above and beyond to keep all involved calm. We would also like to thank all our Deputies and Myrtle Point Fire for always being there when they are needed.

Meth Arrest, West Beaverhill Road
CCSO release – Date / Time: March 29, 2023, at 10:37 a.m.; Case Number(s): S23-06882; Classification: Warrant Arrest / Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine; Location: West Beaverhill Road & Hemlock Lane; Suspect(s): Brian J. Hembree (46). Coos Bay man arrested on a traffic stop after he provided false info to deputy. On March 29, 2023, at 10:37 a.m. Sergeant A. Slater from the Coos County Sheriff’s Office performed a traffic stop of a vehicle on West Beaverhill Road near Hemlock Lane for several traffic violations. The vehicle’s driver attempted to flee the scene on foot and was stopped by Sergeant Slater. The vehicle’s driver initially provided false information through a fictitious name and date of birth. The man then attempted to use his brother’s name, also unsuccessfully. After an investigation, the vehicle’s driver was identified as Brian J. Hembree (46) of Coos Bay. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center advised Brian had several outstanding warrants for his arrest.  Brian was arrested on the outstanding warrants and charged with unlawful possession of methamphetamine. Brian Hembree (46) was transported to the Coos County Jail, where he is in custody.