News release CCSO. Beginning this weekend, Super bowl Sunday, the Coos County Sheriff’s Office will begin having extra patrols out on the County’s roadways. For many years there has been federal money available to law enforcement agencies throughout the state and nation under the DUII Enforcement Grant. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office will be using some of these funds on Sunday, February 5th, 2017 to enhance its patrol force with other deputies on duty specifically targeting impaired drivers. Following this, for the next 2 weeks other deputies will be assigned Seat Belt enforcement, looking for those drivers that are not buckled up or using their cell phone without hands free devices or texting while operating their motor vehicle. Besides the grant funds available for the extra DUII patrols, grant funds are also available for Seat Belt enforcement. Oregon has designated February 6th through the 19th as a Seat Belt Safety Blitz campaign and extra law enforcement officers will be covering the State’s highways enforcing specifically seat belt laws and cell phone laws. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office will be having a number of extra patrols assigned for this blitz.