On July 1st, 2015 the Coos County Sheriff’s Office began assigning extra patrol deputies, utilizing federal DUII enforcement funds to patrol the county’s roadways looking for intoxicated drivers. Last night deputies made 13 contacts, issuing 10 citations and making 2 felony arrests while on DUII Grant patrol. These patrols will last throughout the 4th of July Holiday with the addition of 1 or 2 Sheriff’s Deputies each night. On Wednesday, July 1, Oregon DMV released statistics showing that the Oregon motor vehicle crash fatalities are up 43% from last year. Federal dollars are provided to law enforcement agencies throughout the state for extra patrols over holidays and special events to look for and arrest people who are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office has joined with other local agencies, Coos Bay Police, Coquille Police, and Oregon State Police as a part of the Southern Oregon Coast DUII Taskforce with the ultimate objective in making Oregon’s roadways safe.