Check Access Policies before Entering Private Timber Lands, Sept. 7

The Oregon State Police would like to remind hunters and everyone recreating outdoors to check with landowners access policies prior to going on timber lands. Many private timber companies have enacted stricter policies than in years past. Also always be on the lookout for fire season closure signs posted by land managers. If you are a hunter and harvest any wildlife on property that you do not have permission to be on, be aware of ORS 496.680 which states, “All wildlife shot by any person while violating any provision of ORS 164.245 (Criminal trespass in the second degree) to 164.270 (Closure of premises to motor-propelled vehicles) or 498.120 (Hunting on another’s cultivated or enclosed land) shall be seized by any person authorized to enforce the wildlife laws and shall be forfeited.” To avoid any issues while outdoors this fall, use this helpful resource developed by the Oregon Forest Industries Council. It can also be located on the Oregon Department of Forestry’s “restrictions” page. Finally, a link to the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Travel Management Area maps can help you determine where to go to stay legal. When in doubt, call ahead and always follow posted signs on private property.